Contact Us

We Welcome Your Feedback

Please submit any comments, questions, or concerns
by completing and submitting this form.

Request a Sample

Contact us to let us know which products you would
like to see, try and test so that we can get a package
in the mail!


Get a quote for custom-printed packaging and
start the journey of elevating your brand.

Find Your Local Distributor

Castaway products are found in all good
Foodservice and Packaging distributors
throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Please let us know where you are located
and we will be in touch within 24 hours.

Contact Us

Contact one of our Head Offices anytime between
7:30am and 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

Brisbane, Queensland
Head Office & Warehouse
07 3853 5800

Sydney, New South Wales
Head Office & Warehouse
02 9839 5000

Melbourne, Victoria
Head Office & Warehouse
03 8551 5300

Adelaide, South Australia
Head Office & Warehouse
08 8232 4577

Auckland, New Zealand
Head Office & Warehouse
+64 9 415 5120

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