Do EcoSmart® products contain BPA?
No. Our packaging products are free from BPA and BPS, and phthalates. We have, in fact, never used BPA in any of our products.
Why do EcoSmart® products use recycled content?
Castaway® is committed towards creating a circular economy — enabling more packaging to either remain in loops, or have the best possible opportunity to be recycled. The growing challenge of plastic in the environment has stressed the urgency to find solutions to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover ‘post-consumer’ plastic waste.
A more circular use of materials means lower costs and less waste. Making products using recycled contents often uses much less energy than producing the same products from raw or virgin materials. It means new sources of value for our customers and consumers, better risk management of raw materials, and improved approaches to the supply chain.
What’s the different between “recycled” and “recyclable”?
Recycled means the container already has contents from previous used material. In other words, recycled content means that the new product you’re using was made at least in part from content that has been recycled.
A product labelled as recyclable can go into the recycling bin and be re-processed into new products. EcoSmart® containers are both recycled and recyclable – the best of both worlds.
Why recycle?
Recycling has environmental, economic and social advantages. Recycling generates civic pride and environmental awareness.
It helps prevent environmental pollution, and save natural resources by conserving raw materials used in industry.

Recycling reduces the amount of material dumped in landfill sites. Goods are used productively and prevented from becoming litter and garbage.
Is recycling easy?
Recycling is easy once you know how to. Please empty, and rinse all containers — make sure to remove any residual food or product waste before recycling to prevent cross-contamination. Most local councils have a kerbside collection of recyclables that involve placing your recyclables out on the footpath for collection on a set day — just like general waste collection. Your yellow bin is for items that can be recycled.
What plastic can I recycle?
Different types of plastic must generally be kept separate for recycling. The Plastics industry Association has introduced a voluntary system of coding to help recyclers and the public identify the type of plastic. A number in a triangle identifies the plastic.
The two types of plastic most commonly recycled are PET, and HDPE (high density polyethylene). Other types of plastic are not generally recycled in Australia.
Every council has different standards and terminology in terms of what they’re able to recycle. If in doubt, leave it out or check your local council’s website.